Moms... Pfffft!

Posted by Doodface

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am the proud father of a 2 ½ year old daughter. She is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me. With her and my wife in my life, my life feels “complete”. I try my best to be a great father to her, and give her the best chance to have a healthy, happy life.

I know that it is mostly MY relationship with her that determines whether or not she ends up on the stripper pole!

I am constantly trying to make sure that every aspect of her life is the healthiest that it can be. I play with her all the time – normally something that is teaching her, while still being fun. Every day I am doing things with her like: teaching her piano, reading to her, taking her to the park, teaching her counting and understanding numbers, singing songs, etc. I try to make sure that most of her food and drink is healthy, while still being things she likes. I don’t force her to eat when she is not hungry, or things she doesn’t like, as this has been proven to cause eating disorders later in life. I buy expensive soy milk with DHA, as this has shown to increase brain function. I limit her TV to less than an hour a day, since more than this has been shown to cause A.D.D. We don’t curse in front of her, and we won’t let our friends do it either. If there are people that just won’t stop dropping F-Bombs around my little girl, we simply do not see those people any more.

I watch her far more than my wife does. This is not my wife’s fault, her schedule just sucks.

Ok, do you get where I am going here? AS Dads go, I’m a fucking badass.

But because I am a DAD, and not a mom, I am considered the “backup” parent to the rest of the world. Moms are supposed to take care of the kids, Dads are supposed to make money, drink, and be annoyed by their kids. Well FUCK THAT.

When we took her in to the doctor for her very early visits, I went EVERY time. And EVERY time, I would sit in a chair behind the door, and they would talk only to my wife (even though I was asking questions, and making comments). I would occasionally get the “Oh wow, what a good dad” like it was a novelty that I am involved in my child’s life. Now as she gets older, I take her to the doctor almost every time due to the inflexible nature of my wife’s job.

When we put my daughter in day care, the day care would NOT call me. My wife’s job does not allow her to talk on the phone during the day. Even after multiple requests by her, they ONLY would call her phone when they needed something, or if my daughter was sick. Finally after I called the director myself and explained the situation they started calling me.

Every time I am looking at a parenting magazine or book, it is 95% aimed at moms, and there might be a little “isn’t that cute” article geared towards dads. Some gem like “You can change a Diaper too!” or “5 ways you can help”.

All of the product marketing for kids’ products are aimed at moms. I was actually standing at my fridge yesterday, pissed at a bottle of Juicy Juice. There was a label on the back saying something to the nature of “WE know what Mom’s want for their kids”. I guess dad’s will give their kids whiskey, as long as it stops that fucking crying, right? “Choosy moms choose JIF!!” Fuck you JIF! Daddy does all of the shopping, chooses the peanut butter, therefore Peter Pan has one more customer!

So is this mentality a left-over from the 50’s? Is it due to the actual number of disconnected father still existent in our society (which should be castrated)? Is it a politically correct thing, since single mothers may get boo-boo upset at seeing things referring to BOTH parents?

Whatever it is, it pisses me off.

Alright, I’m done ranting. Back to my whiskey and cigar.


E said...

You dad.

You hunt. You gather.

Mother watch baby.

Unga, unga.

Doodface said...

You just hit the nail on the head. We are genetically programmed to think that way.

I am just trying to be one of those hippy free-thinkers I guess.

Bonez said...

Your Dad-manship has been impressive and I salute you. You hit the proverbial nail on the head, though. Many Dads today are more involved with the rearing of their children than the disconnected Dads of the past. It is a good thing for the man to pick up the slack when the wife is also working and having a career. Some of you Fathers do a better job of it than others, though, and you are right to be "pissed" at the sexist advertising concerning parenting. It is akin to the old school of thought that a Doctor meant a man and a Nurse meant a woman.

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