Saturday, September 13, 2008
So it's election time. Now I have to be bombarded with adults in bloomers vigorously shaking their pom poms while they simultaneously sling mounds of mud on each other. We want to call each other racists, Marxists, Muslims, red necks, left vs right, right vs left it is old...
There is one argument in particular that is really bothersome.
The view from the right that the left are socialists and they don't like the Dems hiking up taxes because it's "wealth distribution".
Did you ever notice that 12 inch dick in your ass? Probably not, because it's been there so long you don't feel it any longer. The fed is so far deep in your ass he's hitting your lungs.
We just added 5 trillion to the debt bailing out Fred and Fannie. Taxpayers are on the hook for about 150 million which our kids'-kids'kids will be paying.
What was the outcome of that? China's bonds are secure.
Fed goes and bails out bear sterns. Puts taxpayers on the hook more.
I never got any income from Bear, Freddie, or Fannie, so why is my money helping to bail them out?
Does this seem capitalistic to you?
Talk about raising taxes the decibel level gets so loud it bursts your eardrums. All the "capitalists" come out because they don't want to "support" socialism.
Swindle your ass and put you on the hook for 29 billion to make an unprecedented move to bailout a non deposit bank and I can hear crickets chirping.
So you will pay another 35K a year in taxes(it's your money, you earned it, and I think you should be able to keep it); However it's hard to hear the I don't want to pay anymore taxes line when we just got 3 Card Monted for 5 trillion.
You don't need the left to bring you closer to socialism, you are 90% there but don't realize it.
The fed doesn't care if you are christian, muslim, right, left, they care about money. Theses mother fuckers don't care about YOU, ME, or MOHAMED ATTA for that matter. We all look the same, we are all PAWNS.
You all can fight, argue, bitch and kill each other, it doesn't matter to them.
You want to set up social programs?
Wow you should be commended--now PAY us.
You want to fight terrorism?
Damn you are good citizen we need more people like you--now PAY us.
You don't like the dems because they promote socialism and want to raise taxes?
I hear you and I couldn't agree more--now PAY us.
You don't like the republicans because of their foreign policy?
We were just saying the same thing--now PAY us.
The interest alone on our debt last year was something like 400 billion. Who is going to pay this shit back; but I digress the geniuses have a great plan, they will create more debt to cover the debt we owe.
It's not 1 person, 1 platform, or a "1" anything that you can lay the blame on, it takes a group effort to fuck up like this. So while america is for sale--Americans sit around and blame each other; all the while the fed has us butt naked in the buck position with our ankles behind our heads.
Divide and conquer. It's all mass confusion caused by vast illusion.
So who was it that said pimpin is dead?
Excellent breakdown of the continued left vs right dichotomy. You hear it all the time how they're just two sides of the same coin. Great job bringing that point home. Great stuff.
Finally, someone who knows what the eff they are talking about. So true, all of that, and more of us need to stand up and say, "I ain't gonna take this shit no more!"
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