Politics as Usual

Posted by E

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a quick one here. I have been watching this year's elections with great interest and speak at length with my friends regarding my thoughts and impressions of the whole shebang. The fact of the matter is, whether you're for McCain or for Obama, the 2008 elections are an absolutely pivotal election.

It saddens me to see how much political discourse in this country has degraded in the last few years. It appears nowadays that the person who is right is generally the one who can yell the loudest and be the most insulting.

I may not agree with everybody's ideas and thoughts, but I've never seen the need to resort to infantile name calling and over the top generalizations to discuss things.

Be that as it may, I have always found a grotesque pleasure in ensconcing myself in the world of both sides. I love listening to a far left liberal rant on about their feelings as much as I enjoy the conservative side.

My true political opinions don't really matter. I'm just another Joe Schmoe. What matters is that all of us take the time to pay attention to what's happening this cycle and do our part to participate.

Whether you're for one side or the other, it's still best to be as knowledgeable and informed on both sides of the issues as possible. It does not serve our country's interests to ignore the process and not take part.

All of this is really just leading up to bit below. I did not write what you see down here. I pulled this from the Sean Hannity forums at http://forums.hannity.com. This was written by a user named "rhet 2".

This is a prime example of the rabidity of over the top rhetoric. I'm not picking on conservative viewpoints or even the original poster. I've seen things equally as over the top from the other side of the argument.

But either way, I find it frightening that in the 21st century we really have to question the patriotic intent of our candidates so much that something as inflammatory as this even need be written.

Which said, I do have very serious doubts about the sanity of some of the Democrat Party leadership.

And very little doubt about the corruption and criminalization of most of the Democrat Party leadership.

And little doubt that Obama is the Republic's worst nightmare, a Communist who will work damned hard to destroy the Constitutional barriers to his own supreme and unhindered power after elected.

He IS a Stalinist, like Chavez -- once elected, he'll make damned sure he's repeatedly elected for life, while his radicalized youth force nationalization of the entire economy -- force with fists and guns and terror tactics -- until our nation is as destroyed as the rest of the Third World.

He wants absolute, unrestricted and unopposed POWER -- and so do the others in the DNC leadership.

NOT SHARED POWER -- absolute power -- power they'll commit every atroncity and crime to acquire.

And it is the Democrat Party since Carter which has eroded the Balance of Power in the Constitution, consistently worked to corrupt the judicial branch to give us IDEOLOGUES ruling not according to law written by ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES but by appointed and UNREPLACEABLE ideologues NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE by the People to the People for the laws JUDGES WRITE according to their own moral convictions and desired social policy IN SCORN FOR THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY.

The Democrat Party leadership is out of control and given over to the destruction of the Constitution and of life, liberty, and the right to pursue individually defined happiness however the individual chooses.

The Democrat leadership eeks to destroy the Bill of Rights, the Checks and Balances that block their supremacy, in order to make themselves the Politburo of the Soviet States of America -- where the Party Bosses live large and rich and self-indulgent lives -- and the citizens lose freedom, economic opportunity, hope, and the right to determine for ourselves how to live and how to raise our children by teaching our children to share OUR beliefs and moral convictions instead of their own.

It is the Democrat Party that has appointed corrupt and tyrannical judges -- and Democrat judges who have empowered violent evil men to destroy our physical safety -- and destroyed our schools -- and destroyed the quality of our homes and family life.

It is the Democrat judges who seek to force our children into LIBERAL IDEOLOGICAL RADICALIZATION TRAINING CAMPS called "schools" -- where they turn our children into blank empty-headed radicalized fools given to violence and to crude barbaric self-destructive behaviors instead of dedicated to personal excellence and to RESPECTFUL tolerance of others and loyalty to the nation and to industry, to creativity, to innovation, to daring and strength and SKILL IN LIVING.

And for that corruption of our homes, our schools, our judiciary, and our electoral processes, the Democrat Party leadership WILL PAY with their own loss of stolen luxurious and VERY RICH lives.


And Barak Obama -- NOT AN AMERICAN AT ALL -- he may have been born to ONE American parent -- but he exhibits NOTHING of an American upbringing, NOTHING of an American mind set -- needs to be stood up and examined to the depth of his bones to find out exactly who is backing that disgusting ANTI-FREEDOM wanna-be COMMUNIST DICTATOR.

The more I dig into that man's policy proposals, the more I look at Joseph Stalin in the making.

And that's NOT biased thinking -- I wish the guy were for real -- HE IS NOT WHAT HE PRETENDS TO BE -- and his proposals are the essence of future hell on earth for my nation. He is violent and destructive and corrupt as hell -- brutal and cruel and totally lacking in HONOR -- greedy for power and NOT RESTRICTED BY ANY PERSONAL HONOR CODE AT ALL -- if x will get him the power he craves, then he will do x and never once regret the nightmare suffering and misery x causes to other human beings.

And that is precisely what the leadership of the DNC has become: so greedy for power at any cost, they just don't give a **** what corrupt, disgusting, dishonorable and plain evil things they have to do to get it.

And the media has become even more corrupt and dishonorable and cruel and dishonest and EVIL as their partners in the DNC leadership.

I wish with all my heart that honest Democrats in Congress and in the general party throughout the nation would stand up and take down the animals who have seized control of a once honorable and decent and worthy group -- but they won't -- because they refuse to believe what is plain as day and obvious as raging fires in CA and hurricanes in the Gulf --

They refuse to follow Lieberman and Miller -- two honest and honorable Democrats who have, indeed, paid the price for defying the corrupt and evil men and women who have destroyed all integrity and trustworthiness in the Democrat Party, turning a strong potentiality into our greatest immediate national threat.


Anonymous said...

This sounds about right. In the event that Obama is elected, I am sure he will immediately appoint Hugo Chávez to the position of Secretary of Commerce.

Stalin will be exhumed and appointed Secretary of Agriculture.

In addition, it's a little known fact that in early '09 Obama and Joe Biden plan to embark on a fifty state "Raping Toddlers Town Hall Tour".

Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional.