Dissecting the Disabled - Redux

Posted by E

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just for fun I thought I'd put my own spin on one of Korey666's horror tales. It's not perfect, but hey, I spat it out in no time. At least I don't use phrases like "sodomize the shit out of"...

I stood motionless, ensconced in the inky blackness that filled the room. My heart, though not racing, was pounding against my chest. Nervousness paced back and forth at the edge of my awareness, not quite fully settling in. I steeled myself and attempted to calm my rattled nerves.

This is what I have been waiting for. This is what I have been working towards. This is my...purpose.

A loud clack ratcheted the void, echoing hollowly off the walls; heralding the emergence of a singular beam of light, brilliant against the nullified background. It gazed unblinkingly at a stainless steel table, on top of which lay a man.

His naked frame was held by slackless leather straps on the hands and feet which bound him tightly, restricting any and all movement. The head was crowned by a titanium frame, bolts penetrating through skin and burrowing into the skull, rendering the subject incapable of even the slightest adjustment.

The screech of feedback sliced the stagnant air as a voice bellowed at me from an unseen loudspeaker.

"Well, number four, show us what you've learned."

I swiftly lumbered near my prey, eyes fixated on his feebly struggling frame. I leaned in towards my quarry, fixing my eyes on his, edging ever closer. He let out a whimpering moan, cut soft by the wires that held his jaw into place. I let a steely cold fall across my face as I pushed ever closer. The sputtering exhalations of thickened mucous belied his heightening anxiety as his breathing deepened and accelerated.

I reached over to the stand next to me, never breaking eye contact, while I felt around for my chosen implement. Finding it, I brought it to the space between us, its cold glint offered promises of untold horrors. His eyes widened and his pupils constricted to a single pixel.

My breath came slow but hot inside the surgical mask I wore, and I very deliberately moved the scalpel to the victim's right, outside of his peripheral vision. I pushed its point to the skin just behind the ear and held it in place.

His eyes darted towards the point, but finding himself unable to see it, they spun wildly around the room as panic began to set in. He mumbled what were doubtless pleadings for mercy, though they arrived as nothing more than a jumbled mass of plaintive wailings, held in place by his immovable jaw.

"Look at me," I intoned.

His muttering ceased for a moment and his eyes aligned with mine once more. As soon as they found my gaze I pushed in with the blade and made one continuous cut around his ear and up to the forehead.

He howled his restrained scream of pain as I set to work at stopping the bleeding and cleaning the wound.

Without so much as a second glance I repeated the process on the other side, his groans becoming louder and punctuated by a staccato rhythm as he struggled to breathe.

I worked my hands inside the cavernous wounds on either side of his face, separating muscle from skin and pulling the tissue free from its constraints. My gloved fingers luxured in the moist heat his insides provided, followed by the icy chill of rapid cooling when I pulled them free.

My patient was sliding in and out of consciousness, and though silent for a time, fell to bleating once again as I began removing the excess fat from its biological bondage.

I continued the incisions until I had managed a complete cut around the entire face. I took my time continuing to free the skin from the underlying matter, pausing occasionally to wipe the sweat from my brow.

Satisfied that I completed my prep work, I grabbed the skin at the forehead and began slowly pulling down to remove the face entirely. I made a cut here and there to finalize the separation and continued peeling until his identity had been stripped from him.

Once removed, I cast the soggy mass of flesh aside to begin work on my next project. I prepared the blade to commence another assault when I felt a prick in my right shoulder, immediately followed by the burning sting of fluid being injected into my body.

I came to in the darkness, cold and confused. My limbs were bound tightly. A dull ache resounded through my head as I realized the cold grind of implanted metal that assaulted my crown.

A blinding dash of light clicked on, followed by a disembodied voice.

"Well, number five, show us what you've learned."

The last thing I recall before fading to black was my futile attempt at screaming through my wired jaw.


Doodface said...

Ok.. I like it. I like the twist at the end.. cool.

BUT.. The similarities between this story and Koreys are pretty few. You both used a scalpel - that's about it.

I cant blame you though. Were you going to fellate a corpse, or perform a reverse vasectomy? I think not.

E said...

Pretty much what I was going for. I wanted to use elements: The voice says the same thing, showing off impressive surgical skills, etc.; but really didn't want to "sodomize the shit out the decomposing hunk of retarded meat".

It's far from perfect, but it's just a demonstration that with a tiny amount of thought and about ten minutes worth of work, you can far exceed the terror levels of Korey's work.

I did, however, neglect to perform fellatio on the severed shaft...

Doodface said...

I also didnt get a sense of closet homosexuality. And really, isnt that the essence of Korey666?